Monthly Archives: June 2022

Manser Saxon Electrical Contractor Mauritius: Things You Should Know Before Hiring An Electrical Contractor

If there are some electrical repairs or work to be done in your home or work place, you will need to get a professional electrical contractor to have the job done. If you do not have any competence in this field and you do not know anyone offhand, what to do? Let us see some of the things you can do, and the steps to be taken to make sure you are hiring the right person to do the job.

electrical contractor in Mauritius


You will need to know exactly or even roughly about what is to be done about the electrical projects. This is the first step to figure out.


Before searching online for electrical contractors in your area, ask around for recommendations.  A neighbour, family member, co-worker, friend, or other acquaintance may have had recent electrical work done to their home or workplace, and has a recommendation (or it may also be someone whom they would advise to avoid.).  Ask for an honest opinion from someone you trust.

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