Author Archives: manser_saxon

Contracting Company Mauritius : Does Your Hot Water Heater Needs Maintenance?

Like we do maintenance to our home comfort system we should also take care about our water heater which we make use of everyday. This system also  requires maintenance.

Our team can entirely inspect it and make adjustments where necessary. We will also report to you about any repair needs during this tune-up so you can get those on your schedule.


The majority of people use a traditional storage tank model water heater which means that water is stored within the water heater itself  for quick access. However, this also allows sediment to build up, usually from hard water (water with a high level of minerals). The build up sediment can also stick to the heat exchanges, which makes your water heater unable to  heat the water to the full degree it should be able to.

Flushing out your water heater to clear the sediment out is crucial in order to keep your water heater working to the fullest extent possible and last longer.


When sediment and mineral residue take up space in your heater, they reduce the amount of  water the tank can retain. With regular flushing, you can eliminate build-up and benefit full use of  the water tank, increasing the hot water volume of your water heater.


Temperature and pressure valves are the safety devices in your water heater that protect it from extremes by discharging water.  This needs to be tested at least every year.  Similarly, it is important to test the relief valve of your water heater to avoid accidental scalding.

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Manser Saxon Electrical Contractor Mauritius: Things You Should Know Before Hiring An Electrical Contractor

If there are some electrical repairs or work to be done in your home or work place, you will need to get a professional electrical contractor to have the job done. If you do not have any competence in this field and you do not know anyone offhand, what to do? Let us see some of the things you can do, and the steps to be taken to make sure you are hiring the right person to do the job.

electrical contractor in Mauritius


You will need to know exactly or even roughly about what is to be done about the electrical projects. This is the first step to figure out.


Before searching online for electrical contractors in your area, ask around for recommendations.  A neighbour, family member, co-worker, friend, or other acquaintance may have had recent electrical work done to their home or workplace, and has a recommendation (or it may also be someone whom they would advise to avoid.).  Ask for an honest opinion from someone you trust.

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Manser Saxon- Benefits Of Using Demountable Partition Walls


Demountable or movable partitions or architectural products are used to construct and separate indoor spaces. They are held in place by floor and ceiling tracks, and can be added, and easily disassembled, moved and then reassemble in any environment. . Demountable partitions are commonly used in open-plan offices to build separate spaces.

Demountable wall system in Mauritius



These demountable partition walls vary in size, length, function, and material.

The unitized wall system are pre-fab movable walls that necessitate minimal assembly once they reach the office. They are easy to install, remove or adjust. They are an ideal system for an office space.

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Contracting Company Mauritius : A Complete Guide To Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen cabinets are the built-in up furniture which we all have in  our kitchens for storage of food, cooking  equipment, and mostly silverware and dishes for table service. Appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and ovens are often embedded in the kitchen cabinetry.


Here are the different styles of kitchen cabinets you have to choose from;


Shaker cabinets are no doubt the most kitchen cabinet style to day. These cabinets consist of  a five-piece flat panel that builds a frame with four of the pieces and a single flat center panel as the fifth piece. They work well in both modern and contemporary kitchen.


Glass-front  cabinets are excellent for mixing and matching. A glass-front cabinets can be made up  of  single panes or several panes. You can view the inside of your cabinet  while still keeping your items safe.


Beadboard cabinets are great for those who want to create a relaxed, cottage-style kitchen.  Made of rows of vertical planks, these cabinets add warmth to your kitchen.


Flat-front or slab door cabinets are excellent for anyone who wants a minimalistic look in their kitchen.  They are usually made from a single piece of plywood and they look nice in any modern or contemporary kitchen.

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Electrical Contracting Mauritius: What Does An Electrical Contractor Do?

An electrical contractor in Mauritius is a full service contracting firm specializing in  electrical construction work.  Normally this work is related to the design, installation, and maintenance of the electrical system.  Electrical contractors are responsible to ensure that those systems work effectively, safely and almost always in an environmentally friendly way.


An electrical contractor is a construction industry professional who wires businesses, factories,plants and homes to supply them with electrical power. He usually installs electrical systems and wiring in new architectures, but can also rewire buildings that are being restored or have been damaged by fire or other disasters.

Before an electrical contractor bids on a job, he normally analyses the blueprints for the project. This expansive technical diagrammatic of the buildings floor and wall plans disclose all the site’s electrical needs. The contractor locates on the blueprint  all the electrical panels, circuit breakers, outlets and switches, along with any specifically marked areas that may require extra wiring or backup system.

If the bids are accepted, the electrical contractor carries out the installation of  all wiring in the walls and connect them to the suitable components.  As this action is progressing, he routinely double-checks  each wiring path and connection for safety and compliance with building codes. He should be a skillful user of a variety of hand tools, including screwdrivers, pliers, wire trippers and hacksaws in order to perform this part of job efficiently.

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How to plan your home construction

In life everyone wishes to own a dream house. Some people want to have a huge luxurious house while others prefer a cozy cottage with vintage interiors and multi-coloured paint. A house facing a small river and a garden where you can grow your own vegetables and fruits. Everyone has their own idea of how their dream house should look. However, before initiating the construction of a house, there are some steps that must always be taken into consideration.

Find below the steps to help you plan your home construction:


From the very moment you start thinking to plan your home construction, you can begin considering your budget. You will have an idea of how much you can afford, how much it will cost and whether you need to take a loan from the bank. The bank loan will depend on your income and other financial obligations. You will have to present some documents like pay slips and your working contract.  The cost includes your contractor, designer, materials and appliances, and interior features.


You can choose your design on free online catalogue, select your style preference home. Set up your house goals: size of the home, layout, designs and interiors among other things.

Look for an expert architect or a designer who will help you select the best one for your needs. The designer can also make some changes to the design plans in terms of room size, window styles or other details. Choose a plan that will satisfy your requirements in the coming years. As an example of a newlywed couple who would like to plan for more family members while an older homeowner should expect ageing-in-place needs.

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Construction trends Mauritius: The 2021 guide for new construction

  1. Building planning: digital to optimize the workflow

New interfaces open up further synergies. Before, all specialist planner had to enter the buildings for to plan how much his services will cost. With the new interface, it will be possible in the future to integrate building eco-balancing into the digital workflow of construction planning. Now the data already recorded for the new certificate can be used as the basis for a building eco-balance. The workload for the industry of construction is reduced considerably.

  1. Building with wireless intelligence

Wirelessly networked and Internet-enabled sensors and actuators increase comfort, safety and energy efficiency in construction Mauritius. Fire alarms, intrusion detection systems, access control and emergency call systems connected via the network lead to greater security: the sensors register unusual movements and send the signals to central points such as the police, fire brigade or emergency services. And as soon as systems and equipment such as heating, lighting and ventilation are intelligently controlled via the Internet, energy efficiency increases. Equally helpful for maintenance: monitoring services. The service personnel ensure smooth operation as emergency calls become a thing of the past.

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The new construction technologies in Mauritius

Nowadays, technology used in the construction world have known a new era in the construction Mauritius industry. With new machinery, automated robots a lot changed in creating and adapting the industry to improve the ways works conditions in which they were being done, boost efficiency, improve health and safety and many other benefits.

Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence used to train intelligence in a machine to reproduce human behaviour is the real future. On the other side machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence but they go along with statistical techniques, used to give a computer the ability to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Both are fast becoming integral pieces of technology in the construction industry.

In 50 years, computer systems will be used to program robots, machines, or to automatically calculate and design house building. It is already being done and being used today in the construction in Mauritius, continuing to help advance construction technology with the industry able to benefit from increased efficiencies in cost and speed.

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Construction Materials Mauritius: The 2020 pricelist

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many materials have known an increase in their prices. This is because many construction materials in Mauritius are exported so with the lockdown of almost 3 months, it has been very difficult. From cement and asphalt products to piping and structural steel, all materials have been affected by this impact.

Plan your budget

A house is an asset as well as an investment for the future.  If you are dreaming of building a new house but worried about the expenses first of all you should start by determining how much you can afford to spend especially if you need a housing loan and need to find out what type of loan you are looking for. Continue reading

Construction Materials Mauritius: The latest house design trends

Interior design trends have changed over time in the construction in Mauritius but now the focus is more on the year 2020 with the numerous evolutions that are being involved. What 2020 has in store is amazing especially for those who have decided to build their homes now. It could be about the patterns made with natural materials like wood, textiles, or those made with free-form shapes, furniture, or doorways, coming all over to make the home modern in many ways.

Biophilic Design

In interior design projects indoor plants have become a completely new layer. Oversized plants are becoming a whole new trend. In fact a new concept has entered the world of interior design the Biophilic Design. This has been put forward to maintain a certain level of connection with nature. The real aim is to bring nature into building architecture as a way to improve our health, psyche and overall ecosystem. One thing is certain, those main trends are going to shape interior design in the next decade especially for building contractors in Mauritius. Continue reading