Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Our personnel / staff / team members

At Manser Saxon, we strongly believe that the social responsibility of the company starts with its employees. We nurture employment promotion, job security, and equality of opportunity and treatment. Manser Saxon is committed to developing skills through ongoing training for all. We emphasize on enhancing sound industrial relations, conform to the national industrial laws and our company’s policies.

Families of our staff

Since 2007, Manser Saxon has been awarding scholarships to the best performing children of MS employees – both at primary and secondary level.  To date, over 100 scholarships have been awarded.


Manser Saxon has been supporting various projects and causes, through the Joseph Lagesse Foundation. Manser Saxon collaborates with various local NGOs, supporting numerous activities in the communities in which it operates.

Partnership with Caritas and Forces Vives of Roche-Bois / Riche-Terre regions

Since 2006, Manser Saxon has partnered with Caritas and other Forces Vives of the Roche-Bois and Riche-Terre area, on various projects targeting at alleviating absolute poverty in the region.